Junior Leader Application

Dear Candidate,

Thank you for your interest in Carson Cares and our Junior Leaders Board. Carson Cares is a non-profit organization focusing on Teaching Kids How to Help Others. We are excited to offer this opportunity to the public for the first time and we cannot wait to learn about you.

We are so excited to initiate a Junior Leaders Board to Carson Cares. As you may already know, the Carson Cares team is lead by a Youth Board who assign all the dates, service projects and meetings to get the word of Carson Cares out into the community. As of right now, this Youth Board is made up of 8 junior high and high school students with specific roles so that each person can contribute to the organization. With the initiation of a Junior Leaders Board, we can open up some leadership roles to students who aren’t in junior high yet. This way, kids in the elementary level can help out in big ways to set good examples for their peers.

The Junior Leaders Board is open up to students who are not already on the Youth Board for Carson Cares and are in elementary school.  These students will have certain roles and meetings to attend so that they can get involved in running an organization. Meetings will be upon Youth Board’s decision, but the Junior leaders will be required to attend an hour meeting once a month so they can be informed of upcoming projects and information. These students will receive a SERVE shirt compliments of Carson Cares to wear to service projects and to promote the word of our organization.

Certain projects and events that the Junior Leaders are required to attend will be the LemonAID yard sale in the summer, recess in July and the Season of Giving in November. These are the fundamentals of Carson Cares that keep us going. Mrs. Bold will be the leader and parent sponsor of the Junior Leaders Board, but parents are also encouraged to stay for meetings and to check their emails for important messages from the Youth Board.

If you are interested in joining the Junior Leaders Board, please complete the application and email it to (Pilar Campos, Social Chair/President of Carson Cares) at pcampos@carsoncares.org or LaShaunn Bold at info@carsoncares.org to put in your name to reserve a spot. We could not have gotten this far without your dedication to Carson Cares. We appreciate your interest. Thank you so much!